Why Youth Sports?

Why do you allow your child to play in youth sports?

Researchers recently discovered four reasons why parents allow their children to participate in youth sports. They are categorized into four buckets:

1) Achievement: Whether it’s earning a starting position or winning the league championship, these parents want their kids to climb the ladder to eventually reach the top.

2) Health: Just want to keep my child active and away from snacks and screens 😊

3) Social: The goal here is help children develop socially, teach them the importance of appropriately interacting with other kids, as well as authority figures.

4) Developmental: It’s all about providing their children with opportunities to grow and gain experiences that lead to self-confidence by overcoming adversity, contributing to a team, coping with anxiety, etc.

All four of these reasons sound so good.

Which category to you most agree with? There is no right or wrong reason.

If you had to pick a top priority, which would category would you highlight?

Which category comes in second place for you?

As you decide to coach youth sports, it’s important to understand and acknowledge that parents have different reasons and priorities for allowing their children to participate in youth sports.

As a recreational coach, it is completely valid to ask them what they want their child to gain from playing in youth sports.

Not every parent is concerned with winning, and not every parent prioritizes “having fun.” Again, it’s important for you to understand the difference, and more importantly to ensure your parents’ goals are aligned with your Coaching Philosophy.

*Be sure to read my posts on Coaching Philosophy if you haven’t already.

Btw, I would love to hear your answer on which category resonates with you the most

1) Achievement
2) Health
3) Social
4) Developmental

Jimmy Karam, CMPC

Jimmy Karam

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