
A Coaching Philosophy Enables Replicated Success

By Jimmy Karam / January 12, 2022

Developing a coaching philosophy is essential to not only creating a successful season, but also to replicating the experience year after year. Your recreational coaching philosophy statement does not need to be more than a sentence or two. The goal is to keep it relevant and to the point. In fact, I would argue the…

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2022 is the Time To Get Up & Out of the Stand!

By Jimmy Karam / January 11, 2022

2022 is Going to Be a Good Year. How Are You Going to Make it Great? Do you plan to coach this year? Are you planning to coach your child in a sport and/or performance activity? Note: I define performance as an activity where your child has to make their own decisions without the help…

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I feel like a part of my childhood just died.

By Jimmy Karam / January 11, 2022

I’m a Raiders fan. I have been for as long as I can remember watching football on TV. I remember living in Stockton, CA and driving six hours with my dad to watch the Raiders play in Los Angeles, and then driving back home all in the same day. I didn’t know John Madden as…

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2021 was a Blast! What was your most memorable moment?

By Jimmy Karam / December 31, 2021

Join the #RecreationalCoaching channel on Instagram and/or Facebook! This channel is for all the parents who volunteer and answer to the call of “Coach.” I’m tackling 2022 head-on with a mission to get more parents on the field, court, and in the metaphorical “Arena,” coaching their children with sound positive mental skill strategies. For those…

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What is a CMPC?

By Jimmy Karam / February 25, 2021

Contact me now for a free consultation! 858-774-2370

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Creating Space: You & COVID-19

By Jimmy Karam / June 8, 2020

This article introduces principles and tools to help you navigate through uncertainty. The feelings, thoughts, and behavior we experience are a direct reflection of the decisions we make in response to the environment around us. Before reading the rest of this article, take a minute to reflect on your response to COVID-19. Which zone were…

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AASP 2019 Keynote – Angela Hucles

By Jimmy Karam / November 22, 2019

Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist with the U.S. Women’s Soccer team, Angela Hucles, was the 2019 Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference Day 3 Keynote Speaker. I found her message of using Sports as an advocacy tool both enlightening and engaging. Angela defined “Sport” in a number of ways, a few notable quotes are highlighted below:…

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AASP 2019 Keynote – Karch Kiraly

By Jimmy Karam / November 13, 2019

Karch Kiraly, Head Coach of the US Women’s Volleyball team, was our Keynote speaker on Day 2 of the 2019 Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Conference and he did not disappoint. Karch’s Mission: Play It Better Than We’ve Ever Played It Before. I could write a whole other article on this statement alone, but…

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AASP 2019 Keynote – Michael Gervais

By Jimmy Karam / November 13, 2019

The first keynote speaker at the 2019 Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Conference was Michael Gervais. Michael Gervais is the Seattle Seahawks’ Sports Psychologist, Co-Founder of Compete to Create and the man in charge of the Finding Mastery Podcast, which I highly recommend. Since the audience was filled with sports psychology professors, researchers and…

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Always Thinking

Anxiety-Driven Coaching

By Jimmy Karam / September 12, 2019

Some coaches announce the game starters days prior to the game, while other coaches announce the game starters minutes prior to the start of the game. Which one are you? Its true uncertainty affects a player’s state of anxiety. Sometimes that uncertainty stems from a coach’s communication style. Role ambiguity occurs when individuals lack information…

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