
Self-Confidence – Emotional Regulation

By Jimmy Karam / February 22, 2022

Self-Confidence vs Being Confident. What is the difference? Being confident is a feeling. Feeling confident is a positive emotion tied to one’s ability to accomplish a specific task. The opposite of feeling confident is feeling uncertain. We are using the term Self-Confidence in a much deeper context. Self-Confidence is a Belief System. It is a…

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Self-Confidence – Observing Role Models

By Jimmy Karam / February 21, 2022

Did you know in 1991, Jose Yanez was the first person to perform a backflip on an 80cc motocross bike? Carey Hart nailed the first ever back flip (…kinda) on a full-sized motorcycle at the Gravity Games 2000. FMX riders from all over knew if they wanted to compete, they had to measure up. They…

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Self-Confidence – Requires Practice, …and lots of it!

By Jimmy Karam / February 20, 2022

The most important source of Self-Confidence is experience. Once athletes have done something, they will gain confidence in believing they can do it again. Past performance occurs in practice and in live events. Naturally games are less frequent than practices, but coaches that implement game-time scenarios in their practice give their athletes more opportunity to…

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Recreational Coaching – Pertains to You!

By Jimmy Karam / February 11, 2022

Does your child deal with anxiety on a daily basis? Does your child crumble in the face of adversity? Does your child turn away from new challenges? Does your child shy away from authority figures? Perhaps it’s none of the above, and your child is seeking to improve, but their performance has hit a plateau.…

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The Culture Recipe – It’s a Recipe for Success

By Jimmy Karam / January 26, 2022

Believe it or not, there is a recipe for success in youth sports. It’s been scientifically proven, and you can find evidence of it in countless academic research articles and sporting arenas. Unfortunately, the recipe cuts against the grain for many of us and goes against 20+ years of conditioning starting back when participated in…

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The Car Ride Home – Parents will Screw this up!

By Jimmy Karam / January 25, 2022

Coaching youth sports is an opportunity for you as a coach to educate and repeatedly encourage your parents to make the Car Ride Home a positive experience. The Car Ride Home is a great opportunity for your parents to bond with their children. Let your parents know that the Car Ride Home is not the…

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Why Youth Sports?

By Jimmy Karam / January 22, 2022

Why do you allow your child to play in youth sports? Researchers recently discovered four reasons why parents allow their children to participate in youth sports. They are categorized into four buckets: 1) Achievement: Whether it’s earning a starting position or winning the league championship, these parents want their kids to climb the ladder to…

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Vision Statement – Live & Breathe it Every Day!

By Jimmy Karam / January 21, 2022

A Vision Statement is vital for sustaining a successful team, especially in a long season with plenty of ups and downs. Essentially a Team’s Vision Statement acts as the blueprint to a team’s success. It provides them day to day direction on what to do, how to do it, and why they are doing it.…

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Vision Statements – Start from the Ground Up

By Jimmy Karam / January 19, 2022

Every team needs a Vision Statement. In fact, every player needs their own personal Vision Statement. They key is to ensure they are aligned. After completing this exercise, you’ll be able to create a Vision Statement into one powerful sentence. Vision Statements are about what you want do (Mission), how you want to go about…

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My Recreational Coaching Philosophy

By Jimmy Karam / January 19, 2022

I coached a tackle football team of 7 to 10-year-old players this past season (2021). In one of my first emails to the parents, I shared my coaching philosophy statement with them: “To create an environment where players enjoy learning about themselves, their teammates, and the game of football. My goal is to provide every…

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