A Coaching Philosophy Enables Replicated Success

Developing a coaching philosophy is essential to not only creating a successful season, but also to replicating the experience year after year.

Your recreational coaching philosophy statement does not need to be more than a sentence or two. The goal is to keep it relevant and to the point.

In fact, I would argue the importance of aligning your coaching philosophy statement with your parenting philosophy statement. You do have one of those, don’t you 😉

No worries, by the time you get done with this exercise, you may find both statements to be one in the same.

Let’s get started. Go ahead and take some time to write down your thoughts to the following questions. Start free writing your answers without much hesitation. Just write down whatever comes to your mind.

What are your best characteristics and skills?

What do you want your players to do over the course of the season (start with a verb and then answer the “what”)? For example, I want them to enjoy learning… [enjoy learning what] …I want them to enjoy learning about themselves. 😊

What skills do you want your players to take away from the season (think of values)?

The next step in the process is simply to formulate your answers into one or two sentences.

Through your coaching philosophy statement, you provide yourself with structure on how to deal with difficult situations and continue toward a path of consistent action.

Recreational Coaching is about teaching our children life values through sport and performance. It is a bit different than coaching at the professional, collegiate, and even most high school levels.

Recreational Coaching is not about winning or losing, but rather about continuously getting better. What makes recreational coaching even more impactful is the opportunity to influence our children’s friends and teammates along the way. We treat every player on the team as if they were our own.

Jimmy Karam, CMPC

Jimmy Karam

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