2022 is the Time To Get Up & Out of the Stand!

2022 is Going to Be a Good Year.

How Are You Going to Make it Great?

Do you plan to coach this year? Are you planning to coach your child in a sport and/or performance activity?

Note: I define performance as an activity where your child has to make their own decisions without the help of an adult. Think sports, theatre, music, and yes even academics in the form of a test.

A little pre-season preparation is the key!

Not sure where to start? Or maybe you’ve been around the coaching block a few times and could use some help. Either way, this channel is designed to structure your thoughts into productive action.

In the following week, I’ll post a couple of strategies that require a little bit of time and a whole lot of thought to set you off on the right path to a successful coaching experience.

Not coaching until the fall? It doesn’t matter if you are coaching in January or September. These tips will help you all throughout the year while engaging with your child.

I’ll help you develop your coaching philosophy in a simple one-two sentence structure. We’ll use the same approach to help you develop a team’s vision statement. You’re coaching an individual sport? No problem, I’ll address that as well.

Until then, have a safe and Happy New Year’s celebration.

Jimmy Karam, CMPC

Jimmy Karam

See How I Can Help You.